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T here are three types/forms of intelligence, or perhaps, measure of intelligence, when viewed wholesomely. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Emotional Quotient (EQ) Social Quotient (SQ) 1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your comprehension ability", solve maths; memorise things and recall subject matters. 2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others; keep to time; be responsible; be honest; respect boundaries; be humble, genuine and considerate. 3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time. People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go farther in life than those with high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize in improving IQ level while EQ and SQ are played down.  A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ. Your EQ represents your character; your SQ represents you

Today Is Today, Not Yesterday

L ive like it's today,  It's not yesterday, It's Today that you're in, we left yesterday behind already! For how long would what worked yesterday determine what works today? For how much more would yesterday's laws govern today's people? For how long more would yesterday's judgment suit today's crime under today's atmosphere, committed by today's people, using today's technologies? Do you also get to think these things? Fact is, …for a little longer! Have you for a moment considered how fast things have changed/are changing? Have you consciously and meticulously studied how dynamic the world we live in is become, yet with very little deviation from what you've once learnt? A wise man once said; "The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same". The preacher said; "Whatever has happened—that's what will happen again; whatever has occurred—that's what will occur again. There's nothing new under the sun."


L ife's both Vindictive & Rewarding at the same time, EVERYBODY's living with the consequences/rewards of their CHOICES, including those who did not actively make one (mind you, they passively did). Life pays back. …to this end, I'd say life is fair 'cos it never forgets to deal us our returns.  This view could steal from your bag-of-empathy, making you feel everyone deserves what they're going through. Yet it's true we are the architects of our fortune/misfortune by the power of choice.  The transferability of Fortune and Misfortune is real and must be considered in this discourse. A viable angle of study I must say, especially while noting that the consequences/rewards of choices made are also transferable; Father/Mother to child, Friend to Friend, Nation to people, Group to members, Members to group etc. John D Rockefeller, the renowned American businessman was born into a large family (not here to tell his biography) began to make critical choices at the

DePREsSiON !!!

How easily we slip into #depression. There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. The worst type of crying isn't the kind everyone could see, not a wailing on street corners, not a #WhatsApp status nor other #SocialMedia post.  No, the worst kind happens in your soul and no matter the numbers of folks around, it may not be noticed, and then you sleep down-down even further into depression, when what you need at those moments is a #distraction. A distraction may not solve the problem, but it takes you away, far away from a thinking that is handicapped, so handicapped it cannot solve your problem either, rather leaves you in a pitiable mental & physical state. Many would love to help you if they knew it, but.... Sometimes, IT'LL TAKE YOU TO DISTRACT YOURSELF. It's The Wordsmith. (-TW™ ) -- ..."People do not always need ADVICE, MONEY, SCOLDING, PERSUASION, FORCE or SERMONS, all they need sometimes is ONE man


🖋️  Never take advantage of the lockdown to always ask for alms, do not suddenly turn to beggar, remember that the lockdown will soon be over but the impression lives on. 🖋️     Do not feel too big or ashamed to ask for alms or assistance if you truly need help, problem shared is half solved, so speak out and do not suffer in silence. 🖋️  Do not look down on anyone that asks you for alms, be your brother's keeper. Let us live for each other. 🖋️  Never feel bad if a particular person turns you down for help, you never can tell what they are passing through too, remember not to judge somebody by their appearance, don't judge a book by its cover. 🖋️  Learn to manage what you have now, and teach your children and loved ones living with you to do so. It is not compulsory to take three square meals, you wouldn't die if you don't, be disciplined. 🖋️  If you are in a position to help a fellow, do not wait until he/she asks. Do it with joy as unto the Lord Jesus Christ. 🖋


Charles Chaplin died at the age of 88. He left US 4 Statements: (1) Nothing is eternal in this world, not even our problems. (2) I like to walk in the rain, because no one can see my tears. (3) The most wasted day in life is the day we do not laugh. (4) The six best doctors in the world .... 1. Sun, 2. Rest, 3. Exercise, 4. Diet, 5. Self-esteem 6. Friends. Keep them at all stages of your life and enjoy a healthy life ... If you see the moon You will see the beauty of God ..... If you see the sun You will see the power of God ... If you see the mirror, you will see the best creation of God. So, believe it. We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who has already fixed our itineraries, reservations and destinations ... Trust Him and enjoy the LIFE Life is just a trip! Live today !!!! Share with people who are important to you ... _________Life__________ To understand it, you have to visit these 3 places: - the Hospital  🏥 - The Prison  🏫 - The Cemetery  🌑 At the hospital, you will

Where Are The Poets?

... A nd so i stumbled on a photo on the internet, it was on Twitter , i mean without mincing words; my favourite social media platform of all time. The original post accompanying the photo read thus;  "Where Are The Poets? Can Anyone Write Something About This Photo?" Quite typical of me when i surf the internet, my first goal is to find something that would inspire me to give back to where it came from, and not just take away. I ran through the attached comments (like a typical user would, in fact most times on social media platforms, you just rush to the comments section first to see reactions) with a zest to meet a few poets, and also to see what a few people have made out of the post. I was not surprised to find "The Good, The Bad and The Stupid"😊😊 It was beautiful to have found a couple of awesome literary works that i savoured. I never knew there were so many like me who cared about such things until i had had a personal interaction with the orig