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DePREsSiON !!!

How easily we slip into #depression.

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.

The worst type of crying isn't the kind everyone could see, not a wailing on street corners, not a #WhatsApp status nor other #SocialMedia post. 

No, the worst kind happens in your soul and no matter the numbers of folks around, it may not be noticed, and then you sleep down-down even further into depression, when what you need at those moments is a #distraction.

A distraction may not solve the problem, but it takes you away, far away from a thinking that is handicapped, so handicapped it cannot solve your problem either, rather leaves you in a pitiable mental & physical state. Many would love to help you if they knew it, but....


It's The Wordsmith. (-TW™ )

..."People do not always need ADVICE, MONEY, SCOLDING, PERSUASION, FORCE or SERMONS, all they need sometimes is ONE man to EMULATE." -Olalekan Akogun