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Today Is Today, Not Yesterday

Live like it's today, 
It's not yesterday,
It's Today that you're in, we left yesterday behind already!

For how long would what worked yesterday determine what works today?
For how much more would yesterday's laws govern today's people?
For how long more would yesterday's judgment suit today's crime under today's atmosphere, committed by today's people, using today's technologies?

Do you also get to think these things?

Fact is, …for a little longer!

Have you for a moment considered how fast things have changed/are changing?
Have you consciously and meticulously studied how dynamic the world we live in is become, yet with very little deviation from what you've once learnt?

A wise man once said; "The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same".

The preacher said;
"Whatever has happened—that's what will happen again; whatever has occurred—that's what will occur again. There's nothing new under the sun."
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭CEB‬‬
…and this singular position remains a strong reference point for foretelling the world!

Want to peep in to the future? Take a journey into the past, literally, trust me. But would these things happen verbatim, exactly how they had happened centuries ago?
That's the heart of this discourse!
It would be summarily foolish for anyone to think it's going to go down in exact format or fashion. Of course no!
This isn't 1903, it's 2023 that we're in!!!

…but the game is THE SAME!
So tell me, just take a guided-guess, what will happen 'tomorrow'?