🖋️ Never take advantage of the lockdown to always ask for alms, do not suddenly turn to beggar, remember that the lockdown will soon be over but the impression lives on.
🖋️ Do not feel too big or ashamed to ask for alms or assistance if you truly need help, problem shared is half solved, so speak out and do not suffer in silence.
🖋️ Do not look down on anyone that asks you for alms, be your brother's keeper. Let us live for each other.
🖋️ Never feel bad if a particular person turns you down for help, you never can tell what they are passing through too, remember not to judge somebody by their appearance, don't judge a book by its cover.
🖋️ Learn to manage what you have now, and teach your children and loved ones living with you to do so. It is not compulsory to take three square meals, you wouldn't die if you don't, be disciplined.
🖋️ If you are in a position to help a fellow, do not wait until he/she asks. Do it with joy as unto the Lord Jesus Christ.
🖋️ Start thinking of what you can begin to do from home that can fetch you legitimate money; poultry, business etc. Remember that it may take a while even after the lockdown to get back to normal financial stand.
🖋️ It is not a time to begin to apportion blame to government or fellow human being. Do not nag, control your anger and emotions and run away from crimes. Let us take responsibility together for a better future.
🖋️ Work on your state of mind; be positive, keep hope alive; remember that this too will soon pass away.
🖋️ Exercise your body, do it in your room or compund. Keep fit, remember that you still have a beautiful life to live after the lockdown.
🖋️ Never allow the lockdown to take away your happiness, happiness is a choice.
🖋️ Stay safe with your family.