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......By popular demand, sequel to my last post "Speak Now Or Forever Remain Silent", I bring to you the continuing episode of what went down the day. I want to seize this opportunity to thank my fans and blog readers for their followership, support, encouragements and sometimes critiques. Without you, there's no Wordsmith™. . . . ...I could not laugh enough on the day. In a funny twist of events, don't forget we already have 3-bodies lying on the altar. I adjusted my sit properly, and told myself "Not one scene of this will I miss out on". Every man for his kind, the priest had ignored both bride and groom and reached out to revive his ailing colleague, fanning air to his face with the programme outline in his hands. Both parents also took to the alter, seeing the selfish gesture of the priest, each taking to the direction of their wards (Grooms parent to groom, and Bride's to the bride) everyone battling to resuscitate their own. With the pr


"If anyone here has any reason why these two should not be joined together, let him speak now or forever remain silent" ....The priest had barely concluded his words before we heard the doors yawned open paving the way for this tall, dark-skinned, fine looking young man, dressed in a nicely cut grey suit. The knocks of his shoe heels on the floor was all that was to be heard in the auditorium, as the whole place had gone dead silent on his appearance. Startled by this scene, and confused by the thought of trying to reason out what exactly was going on, the priest could at best draw out his white handkerchief from the pocket of his robe as he wiped his face severally as if to say, every one wipe made him see better. For all those minutes it took this man to make his way up the alter, I understood better the meaning of the medical term "SHOCK". The bride, you mean what was happening to her? I fear we don't go there, she had gone past the stage of something

Nigeria To Witness Solar Eclipse

The National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) has predicted that Nigeria will witness a partial solar eclipse on November 3, 2013. Speaking at a press conference, yesterday in Abuja, on the anticipated solar eclipse, which will hit most states around noon, the director-general of the agency, Prof. Seidu Mohammed, said it is a natural astronomical event with no significant negative implication, urging Nigerians to remain calm as the eclipse will not hinder normal activities. Mohammed said, "Nigeria is within the penumbra region where you'll have partial eclipse on November 3, 2013. As an astronomical agency, we have taken time to inform Nigerians of the eclipse, which will take place on Sunday, because it is our duty to keep the nation informed of such developments. We urge Nigerians to remain calm as there is no need to panic. "November 3rd will be like any other day; it will not hinder signal from the satellite, so mobile signal will not be affected, our in


"Tell them more often, and it becomes their truth" ...On this one sentence I'll build a base for today's piece. Hopefully it'll be a short one, once the heart of the message I'm able to strike right early. There's this tiny little thing I'm about to expose, and we all have one time or the other been a sucker for it even in our most guarded moments of critical observation and consideration. Having watched closely, I've observed a few things, one of which I'll take my time to scratch in this piece. More of the talk today hoovers around; Truth, Lies, Deception, the Frequency and Emphasis of it. A careful examination has shown that humans tend to believe a word, thing, or opinion with the highest degree of occurrence, call it frequency and you'll still not be wrong. Many a times, a lie is only a lie on its first appearance. And subsequent appearance of such begins to trigger some degree of consideration within a regular human mind which


There's been a lot of talk about destiny, and even much more about its workings. Some believe it is the dream maker, many believe it is the determinant of all things. As much as it appears we understand this phenomenon, it remains clear we really do not understand completely, its workings. To properly comprehend this phenomenon(I call it a phenomenon), we need to observe "DESTINY" in its various forms, as a WORD, and as a PHENOMENON. To define on the surface, destiny is FATE. The fate of a person or thing (although not so appropriate for inanimate objects). Destiny or fate is a predetermined course of events.[1] It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It remains another topic entirely to discuss around the origins of destiny, the origins of a man's fate. Save its superficial(as some see it) definition, some will refuse to accept that it is predestined. Their stand on it, is that MAN WORKS HIS DESTINY, as everyone


Brandishing his irregularly sized set of off-white, semi-brown coloured teeth as he moved his head from side to side in response to sounds emanating from surrounding loud speakers, snapping and tapping his feet without any found cohesion, he obviously seems to be enjoying a music he can't hear. Its a party, and it is of course at its climax already, with everyone perfectly squared in pairs, each with their dance buddies, save this stout dark man who appeared to be carried away by the sound of the music. His face could not be seen, his blue-black golf-type face cap had covered perfectly his face, leaving to bare his dark strangled beard. For a while I paused my groove to observe this middle-aged man, probing closely into his body movements. It was the same for every music that was played, be it fast or slow beats. He never changed his steps, his feet hit the ground with the same pace and his fingers snapped with the same intensity to every sound that oozed out of those speakers.


"Strong is the appetite, stronger is the law; we are only truly what we'll do outside the law" These thoughts have severed my heart severally, as I probed to know, hearing from the lips of people, friends and acquaintances, the things they'll really love to do if certain laws hadn't been in place. It only true and fair to note that; "What empowers the man? LAW; What again incapacitates him? The LAW again. Imagine life without some laws, see where am heading" -TW™ I see many a man walk the busy road of life in their physical frames, but with a whole lot tussling for a freedom of expression within them. Had there been no laws.....? No I don't want to think about it, not just now. "The law before the man, The man before the law" a topic still very open for debate till this very minute. Some believe that with man's arrival came the law, and infact, man himself made the laws to govern himself. Some others believe the law had been in place l