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Showing posts from April, 2013

"A Sincere Prayer By A Novice"

Looking back through the years, I took a trip down memory lane, way back to my days in elementary (primary) school. I remember the Head-teacher of my school often picked on pupils at random to step forward and lead the assembly prayers (Her usual practice). But what fascinated me back then was this; whenever any pupil was called out to pray, they all prayed one line in common. Here it goes; "O'Lord God, give us WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING" Being the young inquisitive boy that I was, never had peace with that line, as I always wondered why we had to ask for all three. As for me, as far as I understood then, they all meant one thing; "O'Lord Let Us Score 10/10". Obviously, this was one case of; "A Sincere Prayer By A Novice". Growing up into secondary school, I discovered the same line of prayer was also continually repeated there. It was then I took my inquisitiveness to another level; I decided to find out what all-3 meant. I had a ...

ETISALAT Responds!!!

Etisalat Nigeria has hit back at MTN Nigeria, following the later's TV commercial "I Don Port" which featured ace comedian and Nollywood star "Saka" (Haffeez Ayetoro) in what many now dub as "The Best TVC ever made in Nigeria. This is sure to make a good laugh for the night. ETISALAT RESPONDS?!!! Unconfirmed reports have it that Etisalat is set to replace Saka ( Who went for an irresistable 20million offer from MTN) with Hakeem Kae-Kazim. Steve Babaeko the brain behind somn of Etisalat’s successful commercials, seems he has a plan to bring Nigerian-born Hollywood actor Hakeem Kae-Kazim. But in the meantime, what we've got is a picture (see image above) that has been circulating online as a supposed response from Etisalat to MTN, this move is yet another good counter attack, who wins at the end of the day? Download Video

GOAL vs AMBITION. -Any Difference?

Goal vs Ambition: Have you any Goals and/or Ambitions? Have you ever wondered if these two words have everything or anything in common? Do you see any difference between the two? This piece would help you clarify exactly what they are. Let's kick off from here! . . . “Goal” and “ambition” are often used interchangeably as many thought that both contain the same meaning. Although both terms are used in the same context, they are completely different from one another. A “goal” refers to the specific result, destination of the ambition, or effort. It can be also called a specific target, aim, or objective that serves as the focus of achievement. Goals can have a variety of descriptions including; success, distinction, or achievement. “Ambition,” on the other hand, refers to the determination in reaching a goal or any of its relative terms. Aside from the inclination and determination, it is also referred to as the process of achieving something. In having and fulfilling...

"I DON PORT GO!" -A Toast To Friendship.

Friends roll in like wheels, everyone of them taking their turns as vacancies exist. New friends become priorities, while old ones become assets, and in some cases mere options. Its only a matter of time before we realise that old friends taste like old wine, better every passing day. New friends with all fairness to them, make you feel friendship in a fresher way, revitalizing your soul, at those moments they're the only ones you want to spend/invest your energy (Airtime, Talk time, Travel time etc) on. Its so fresh (New friendships) it intoxicates you, sometimes making you feel you're above, over and done with the older ones. A piece of advice to all, Its been said that friends are forever, but don't be carried away by such illusion, "20-friends cannot play together for 20-years" - (So says a wise Yoruba{South-Western, Nigeria} proverb). Setting things a little more on the balance, "Remember those (Friends) you met on your way up, you just might meet...


...Yes it's true, and it still stands very true, that "Someone, at least one person must be to blame or held responsible for any occurrence or happening" Nothing just happens, yes, someone/a group of persons, spirits etc somewhere is/are responsible for them. Having said all this, the question on my mind still remains unanswered, and myself unsatisfied by the above. It is a good thing to identify who/what your problem(s) or their causes are, yet it saddens my heart to see that some do not just ever claim a share of blame in any matter, as their minds are configured by default to a particular setting or state of mind that I term; "It Wasn't Me" , "It's Not My Fault" , "Ask Him/Her" , "They Caused It" mentality. Wait a second please, I need you to run a check for your own good, yet on my behalf, using the statement below. What is the psychological state of your index finger? *Always pointing forward? *Always pointing ...

"In His Shoes, In Her Shoes. -(The Story)"

Tunde could be wrong to have concluded the way he did, no doubt. Yet we just might need something genuine and substantial to prove him and his notions wrong. A man in his mid 30's who has had everything going fine for him from his first draw of breath in far away Wilkinson's Maternity Hospital, Arkansas, in the United States of America, where he was born to a complete Nigerian parents who happened to be fun seekers in the US. By all standards, he had the best of time growing up, attended the best of schools, and awarded/rewarded with the best of certificates and in-turn qualifications. Tunde's life no doubt is such everyone would wish they had. At 30, he was group managing director of a Multinational audit firm. Ofcourse, what do you expect from a 1st class student of Audits and Finance? Comfort was the last thing he worried about, as he controlled a large fleet of cars, commanded the best gadgets around, visas to over 16-european countries was always somewhere in the i...

All Ends In The Same Market

In the part of Africa where I come from, there are designated market days. In pre-colonial and post-colonial days, the calendars were different and in every four days came a market day. The arrival of the market day brings joy to everyone, young and old, buyer or seller, they all knew they'll be better off than the previous day, since it was also a day in which the produce from different farms exchange ownership, and money by extension exchanges hands, and those who were in need of food and/or other items will have their wants and needs satisfied. Right from those days, the market day has been "The moment of truth". That special day where produce from various farms test wits, both in size, quality and quality. The farmer with the best output earned the most, and ends up with the fattest purse. It was was nobody's business how he went about his produce. These days the markets have changed a lot. It has expanded to contain not only farm produce but household, industr...

Going To (X) for (X) Month(s). (Breaking The Code)

Lately, the world (Social Media) has experienced a couple of updates and post from dudes, stating that they were headed somewhere exotic for a weird number of months... Here's the code breaker. You use the month and day you were born on. Write: "I am going to live in (month you were born [see below) for (day you were born) months! January - Mexico February - London March - Miami April - Dominican Republic May - France June - St. Petersburg July - Austria August - Germany September - New York October - Amsterdam November - Las Vegas December - Columbia Apparently I'm going to St. Petersburg for 4 months. Now how does that fit-in or correlate with a Breast Cancer/ Cancer awareness??? We're obviously trivializing a matter of serious concern. Thus far, a handful of dudes putting this code up and circulating it, hardly even know what the original intentions are. Breast Cancer, alongside other members of the cancer family ravaging human population is...

She "Doesn't Work"

A husband complains for feeling tired... tired and tired.... and wants his wife help him on earning money by also working, because so far he thinks that his wife is 'not working'. Following are Question and Answer between The Husband (H) and The Psychologist (P): P : What do you for a living Mr. Bandy? H : I work as an Accountant in a Bank. P : Your Wife ? H : She doesn't work. She's a Housewife only. P : Who makes breakfast for your family in the morning? H : My Wife, because she doesn't work. P : At what time your wife wakes up for making breakfast? H : She wakes up at around 5am because she cleans the house first before making breakfast. P : How do your kids go to school? H : My wife takes them to school, because she doesn't work. P : After taking kids to school, what does she do? H : She goes to the market, then go back home for cooking and laundrying clothes. You know, she doesn't work. P : In the evening, after you go back home fr...


(Anxiety: definition;) *A vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of something. *1. Being anxious. 2. Worry or concern. 3. Eagerness, troubled desire. (Oxford Dictionary of English.) It is an emotional state in which people feel uneasy, apprehensive, or fearful. All people experience anxiety to some degree. Most people feel anxious when faced with a new situation, such as a first date, or when trying to do something well. Generally, expectations breed anxiety. A mild to moderate amount of anxiety in situations that warrant them is normal and even beneficial. Anxiety can motivate people to prepare for an upcoming event and can help keep them focused on the task at hand. People usually experience anxiety about events they cannot control or predict, or about events that seem threatening or dangerous. However, too little anxiety or too much anxiety can cause problems. Individuals who feel no anxiety when faced with an important situation may lack alertness and f...