Looking back through the years, I took a trip down memory lane, way back to my days in elementary (primary) school. I remember the Head-teacher of my school often picked on pupils at random to step forward and lead the assembly prayers (Her usual practice). But what fascinated me back then was this; whenever any pupil was called out to pray, they all prayed one line in common. Here it goes; "O'Lord God, give us WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING" Being the young inquisitive boy that I was, never had peace with that line, as I always wondered why we had to ask for all three. As for me, as far as I understood then, they all meant one thing; "O'Lord Let Us Score 10/10". Obviously, this was one case of; "A Sincere Prayer By A Novice". Growing up into secondary school, I discovered the same line of prayer was also continually repeated there. It was then I took my inquisitiveness to another level; I decided to find out what all-3 meant. I had a ...
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