(Anxiety: definition;)
*A vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of something.
*1. Being anxious. 2. Worry or concern. 3. Eagerness, troubled desire. (Oxford Dictionary of English.)
It is an emotional state in which people feel uneasy, apprehensive, or fearful. All people experience anxiety to some degree. Most people feel anxious when faced with a new situation, such as a first date, or when trying to do something well.
Generally, expectations breed anxiety. A mild to moderate amount of anxiety in situations that warrant them is normal and even beneficial. Anxiety can motivate people to prepare for an upcoming event and can help keep them focused on the task at hand. People usually experience anxiety about events they cannot control or predict, or about events that seem threatening or dangerous.
However, too little anxiety or too much anxiety can cause problems. Individuals who feel no anxiety when faced with an important situation may lack alertness and focus. On the other hand, individuals who experience an abnormally high amount of anxiety often feel overwhelmed, immobilized, and unable to accomplish the task at hand. People with too much anxiety often suffer from one of the anxiety disorders, a group of mental illnesses. In fact, more people experience anxiety disorders than any other type of mental illness. Recent surveys showed that people aged 15 to 54 are anxiety prone, and that about 17 percent of this population suffers from an anxiety disorder during any given year
The physical symptoms of anxiety reflect a chronic “readiness” to deal with some future threat. These symptoms may include fidgeting, muscle tension, sleeping problems, and headaches. Higher levels of anxiety may produce such symptoms as rapid heartbeat, sweating, increased blood pressure, nausea, and dizziness.
Haven stated all these; it’s vivid to note that managing anxiety should be an issue for consideration.
I stated earlier that expectation breeds anxiety, in-fact, “EXPECTATION IS THE MOTHER OF ANXIETY”.
What then do we tackle, Anxiety or Expectation?
Logically, what is most appropriate to tackle is ‘How We Manage Expectations’. If expectations really breeds anxiety, and anxiety itself breeds a myriad of problems, both to man’s mind, spirit and body.
Firstly, it’s expedient that we take a look at the origin of expectation itself. A PROMISE is the mother of expectation. THERE IS HARDLY A FORM OF EXPECTATION THAT WAS NOT BORNE OUT OF A PROMISE SOMEWHERE, SOMEWAY, SOMEHOW.
William Shakespeare once said, and I quote:
“I always feel happy, you know why? Because I don’t expect anything from anyone!”
Expectations hurt, whether or not they come to pass eventually. The periods during the time of waiting saps a whole lot out of you that even the joy of accomplishment will need time to restore back to you, and if on the other hand it fails, it only amounts to a double loss. So, why not keep your cool? Why over work yourself over a promise, when the one who promised you is subject to time and circumstances too?
“Those who worry to the extreme heights of anxiety often do not live long enough to witness the promise being fulfilled”. -TW™
“Let’s not quibble over semantics and face reality, a promise isn’t a promise until it has been fulfilled (especially when made by man)” –A.Tumo.
The only one whose promise is worth your anxiety is God, and even Him in his magnificence has even told you not to WORRY (Matt 6:25) or be ANXIOUS of anything (Phil 4:6).
NOTE: “When God gives you a PROMISE, don’t you ever be afraid or worry about the PROCESS”. -Anonymous
So, have you a promise by man? Relax your nerves; it’s a 50-50 (Because he’s human and subject to life and circumstances).
Many a times, we do not even size up the source of the promises we are ‘dying’ over. To rely or attach importance to a promise, one must first trace the track records of the origins of such promises. It is of importance to your health to note the sequence of previous promises made by such sources, and how they turned out eventually. It’s no joke to be expectant or be in a position of expectation. Like I said earlier, it takes a lot from you (Energy, Time, Emotions, Health, etc.)
“A ‘promise’ was not actually a promise; it attains that status only after fulfilment”. For those who can swallow that line, please do swallow. And for those who still can’t, please do work at it.
One too many mental cases have been recorded, and in extreme cases, deaths resulting from our inability to manage anxiety. Don’t let your case degenerate to this.
Amongst worse cases recorded are, anxiety on issues bothering around; Marriage, Relationships, Jobs, Securing Contracts and Surgical operations.
Managing your anxiety is your duty; nobody is going to do it for you!
Perhaps at first your expectation was to see me put up a table or list of things you must do, or process you must follow to manage anxiety. Like; squeeze a stress ball (very popular), talk back to yourself, change your location/environment, occupy yourself with activity, etc. Believe me, all these are good, and they often help to some extent, but nothing does you good like addressing the basics of anxiety and its management (The MIND), which I hope my preceding paragraphs have done.
It’s a mind thing, and the mind has got to be properly configured and/or reconfigured.
Remember this; “You are not being abnormal to be anxious, you would only succeed in becoming one if you don’t manage it properly. –TW™
The Wordsmith™
(C) 2013.