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...Yes it's true, and it still stands very true, that "Someone, at least one person must be to blame or held responsible for any occurrence or happening"
Nothing just happens, yes, someone/a group of persons, spirits etc somewhere is/are responsible for them.
Having said all this, the question on my mind still remains unanswered, and myself unsatisfied by the above.
It is a good thing to identify who/what your problem(s) or their causes are, yet it saddens my heart to see that some do not just ever claim a share of blame in any matter, as their minds are configured by default to a particular setting or state of mind that I term; "It Wasn't Me" , "It's Not My Fault" , "Ask Him/Her" , "They Caused It" mentality.
Wait a second please, I need you to run a check for your own good, yet on my behalf, using the statement below.
What is the psychological state of your index finger?
*Always pointing forward?
*Always pointing upward?
*Always pointing inwards?
***Deep Sigh***
There is a matter here, and together we shall unravel it.
When the psychological state of your index finger points INWARDS always, it shows that you; Accept responsibilities for things that go wrong or right with you. It also depicts a sense of Maturity, Correctability, Self-scrutiny, yet it could also reflect some signs of being Pitiable/always wanting to be pitied (Not in many cases).
I haven't said this is or should be the perfect direction/position of your mind's and in-turn, physical index finger. (Read more).
Some people really don't believe that anyone or thing is responsible for their either good or bad situations, they point UPWARD all the time, every and anything that happens to them, good or bad, is/was caused by a Supreme Being (GOD). This category of thinkers, leave a whole lot to be debated, especially of the subject of whether man has or makes any input to life, or everything is outrightly 'dictated' by God (Even when you slap a fellow human being).
These guys (Upward pointers) blame it all on God, they never get to do it wrong. God this, God that, Destiny this, Destiny That,... You'll ear them say things like "errrhm, If God didn't want the accident to occur, he won't allow the driver get drunk, eventhough he empties a bottle of Pastis". Like I told you earlier, they open a whole lot for debate. The debate doesn't and I fear, cannot end!

The FORWARD pointers, are such an amazing set of people, somebody/something (never them) is always the cause of their misfortune. These set of people are those I call for short, "The Accusers".
***Deep Sigh***
Am glad to know that you're quietly examining and running a check on yourself, hoping to find out where you stand in the whole of this.
The accusers are never bothered in the face of a problem. Well, if anything bothers them, it must be the search of who'll carry the load of blames they are about to generate.
So very funny a set of beings, their first and often their only thought in the face of a problem is, Who is to blame? Who takes the fault? And never, Where do we go from here?.
These sets of beings hardly make tangible progress in life endeavors, they constitute the bulk of the rigidity on earth. They are notoriously rebellious, they are so who they are that they would shift even a possible, eventual or futuristic blames to others before/at the onset of an activity. They are those who would regularly and comfortably tell you things like; "If it doesn't work, it's your fault, let me just tell you before we start".
'The Accusers' didn't just arrive at who they are, they were formed by a series of pessimism. Hence, their metamorphosis to being forward pointers. They are often already overwhelmed by the fear of failure, and in many causes, people with this trait/mentality often do not care about other peoples emotions (They carry a heart of stone).
I must also be careful to note with you here that, 'the accusers' are proud people, sometimes to the extreme (Haughtiness). Hence, their understanding that; "Someone definitely is to be blame, but it cannot be me, I don't make mistakes, I'm careful, I'm calculated, I'm smart ....etc."
***Deep Sigh*** let's proceed!
Forward pointers are not condemned, no they aren't , their minds can still be worked upon, if only for once they can be made to accept responsibility for their change. They can experience, I'll better say; they can build a new character, they can stun the world with a change of heart.
How? I perceive you're asking.
By following a step-wise process of mind regeneration. First of all, they need to let go of their pride and haughtiness, they need to understand and accept that they are fallible.
For those of them who are yet pagans, they need to encounter SALVATION, they need God work on their lives, and thereafter will commence a regeneration/renewal of mind.
NOTE: It is not as though the other two categories of pointers are exonerated from a need for Salvation or a renewal of mind, we all need it, but as you know, even a physical clinic in its little wisdom categorize some health cases as EMERGENCY, and when in a real terrible state, such cases are channeled to the INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Now how much more God in his magnificent wisdom?
There isn't a per-say a recommended position of your mind's index finger, but I can tell you that if you look closely enough, you'll find within your heart of heart, the RIGHT BALANCE.
I'll rather prefer to speak elaborately on this subject than write, I'm careful not to belabour you beyond limits, I really need not pen all I have to say here and on this platform.

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