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(Stunning): Angel Appears In A Church

...In the Book of books it was recorded that "God Inhabits The Praises Of His People" [Psalm 22:3], but this was as claimed by worshipers at the RCCG ebute meta, brought to physical manifest on the during a wild praise session in the church auditorium. A look at the image captured by one of the worshipers who claimed to have first seen the Angelic figure watch the praise session, shows the giant figure of a strange looking being by the left side of the auditorium; nothing like what we see on a regular everyday. The "Photographer" who captured this epic moment with his mobile phone, stated that he was particularly puzzled by the fact that he experienced the unimaginable, in that; Instead of his camera flashing a light on the image, the image returned a flash back into his own eyes, as he was left 'blind' for moments. The picture he claimed took him a whole lot of efforts to produce (Obviously no thing as this should come easy). Looking closely at the p


The Act of Forgiveness: Learning How to Forgive "To err is human; to forgive, divine." ~ Alexander Pope There is one golden rule of happiness that sounds so simple but is often drowned out in the chaotic noise of our lives "Treat others like you would like to be treated". We need to cultivate the ability to forgive others as well as ourselves in order to live in harmony. Throughout our lives we may find ourselves in a position that requires us to think about forgiveness, and we do not always know how best to do that. There are three types of forgiveness, forgiving the self, those that have been harmed by our actions, and forgiving of others that have harmed us. To capture the essence from the transformation of forgiveness, the emotional steps occur: Understand your actions; Resolve to change; Right the wrong; Apologize; Heal the damage. "To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness." ~ Rober


"Quick as a flash, 2013 is 'done' & 'gone' With a few hours left before the new year, I've found time enough to appreciate everyone who has been a partner in progress with My Person, My Brand % My Blog. My unreserved appreciation to you. Without you; there's no me, and its absurd being here. What's a writer without his audience, or a speaker without one to listen to him? You welcomed my BCs and posts month in, month out. You caused enviable traffic on my blog, and made the social networks fun for me. Your comments, opinions were amiable, and critique urged me on. You said hi when it mattered most, you spared me a time to breathe whenever I couldn't be there. You quoted my works, promoted my brand, and remained selfless, seeking nothing in return. Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus, BBM, BBM Channels, Instagram 2014 'll birth even greater things from my stables, as I also envisage a greater you come 2014. All in all, you made

Its Christmas, LET IT COME IN!

Its been long awaited since the first day of the year, Some would rightly say, "its been awaited since the last one ended", Its Christmas knocking again, and we say; LET IT COME IN! With its glitters, shine and brightness, Let it come in. With the smile, fun, and joy it brings, Let it come in. With its harvest and lots to eat and drink, Let it come in. With the generosity, kindness and love it brings along, Let it come in. With the red, white and green colours that characterize its scenes, Let it come in. With its full statement of promise and love, Let it come in. With the journeys, travels and trips that comes with it, Let it come in. With the coming of the new year that it announces, Let it come in. With the beautiful family reunion ever present with its coming, Let it come in. With the new shoes, bags and clothes, Let it come in. With the loads of gifts aplenty, Let it come in. With the boom of sales it ushers in, Let it come in. With its visits to exotic places, Let it c

Living In This "DARK ROOM"

"Sitting in this dark room, everything I touch and feel are nothing but obstacles to me. Sitting in this dark room, it appears everything here was made to impede my movement. Sitting in this dark room, I've been living all the while a life of assumption. Sitting in this dark room, my only guiding light is the darkness around me. Sitting in this dark room, life to me was callous, like everything around worked against me. Sitting in this dark room, I feel empty, like the only one created without a gift. Sitting in this dark room, idle and alone, I feel naked, open and vulnerable. Sitting in this dark room, illusions have had the best of me, I'm fast beginning to lose my mind. Sitting in this dark room, with no clear idea of what surrounds me, and I'm sore afraid. Sitting in this dark room, wishing I could walk a metre without hurting my knee, head or heel. Sitting in this dark room, I'm getting so comfortable, maybe hopeless, I might never get to see the light. Sitti

"Our Country Is Bleeding".....But When Did It Begin?

"Shortly after Madiba's demise, i'd wanted to write about the similarities btw OBJ & Mandela plus the vantage position OBJ had to become the TRUE father of a great Nation. The recent news about Obasanjo's controversial letter to Mr President has spurred me to finally write my opinions. Why is all these happening after Madiba's death? The death of madiba of must have been a major food for thought to OBJ who was obviously close to him during & after his struggle days. His open & self-indicting comment about mandela's refusal of his plea to stay in power seems to me as a man who's cherishing a value he never really had. That desire to play a 'fatherly' role just like mandela, a role he (OBJ) willingly threw away a long time ago must have now been cherishing to him. You are not a father or in a position to play the roles of a father (advice & rebuke) to a nation just because you have GREY hairs or the length of your days. You are qualifi


"JUST DO IT! What? JUST DO IT! Why? JUST DO IT! ...Tell me something else, there's something I'm yet to know, and failure to have me know it will have me JUST DOING IT." ***SIGH*** What a way to start a piece of writing I bet you're wondering. Many by now have figured where and to whom exactly the afore mentioned phrase (JUST DO IT) belong. For those who haven't, its a byline, a trademark of one of the world's biggest sport kit company, NIKE. Since its famous break into limelight, this word has never seized to inspire. At the mention of that phrase, you adrenaline pumps with a characteristic tickle in your body. The question of what exactly to do is usually not far-fetched. At the mention of the word "Just Do It" in your mind's-mouth, and more palpably, even from a person's lips or when read in a book, on a wall or on billboards, there commence a mind-scan/probe, you ordinarily want to relate it to something, you natural