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Idol or Hero?

Let's get something straight here, clearing the air/shedding more light to this subject is been long overdue. World over, we have had men of timbre and caliber, and they've have often been misplaced into the wrong category and classified into the wrong class of beings. After reading this piece, I'm of a high percentage of certainty that you'll readily bring back a list of men who in your/world views have influenced their world. Running quickly, to enhance your precision in classification, its expedient that I launch into the thick of this subject. Is there any difference between a hero and an idol? Most people think that both "hero" and "idol" are used in the same context. But the fact is that the two are different. We call a person a hero if that person has done some heroic deed or has done something good for society. A person is attributed the title "idol" because of his good looks or has some good features, but this is not the same as a


I was just the way many from my part of the world was. I grew up to understand that I was different, and from a different race. This I never knew nor thought about, as everyone around me looked like me, spoke like me, even grew their hair like mine. I bothered to ask of who I was and why I didn't look like the others I saw in a journal and later my TV screen, in movies and soon, in person. These people were as bright as the sun itself, their skins glow with such radiance, they didn't look like they existed with I and my kin on this same planet earth. They looked alien to me, the more I starred, the more complex they appeared in my mind. I needed to know me, I wanted to know why I was like this, I longed to know what people like me were called. Soon, I learnt it was black, and my race os called "The Black Race". Black, why black? Is it just and issue of the colour of my skin or more? This I sought to know, and the following I learnt and some others, I learnt to unlea

Before You Judge Them

It is overtly said that "Nothing Just Happens", and all that is today has got a reason or two behind their existence. In my search to find something here that has no reason or basis to be here, I found out after careful observation, that I could only lay my hand on an entity called 'nothing'. It is widely accepted that only a seemingly insane person does a thing without a reason. This view we have held for time immemorial now, but the correct arrangement of that sentence would carry in it, the word 'Known'. Put correctly, "Only a seemingly insane person does a thing without a KNOWN reason". 'Known' here in itself again is subjected to further scrutiny, as what isn't known to you may be known to some other fellow, as even the mad man has a reason for his actions, he's just so mad that he can't explain or tell. Come to think of it, how many will wait to listen, if he cared to explain???. The subject matter today like the caption

"Getting DONE Is Serious Business" II

...This snake wouldn't blink an eye, neither will the skies fail to darken by the minute. God knows, setting out for this journey, I prayed that I had a smooth one. There it is, rule no 5; "TO PRAY THAT YOUR ROAD BE SMOOTH ALL THE TIME, IS TO PRAY THAT THERE BE NO NIGHT & DAY" With every breath within me, I resisted the urge to run. Jumping into the river was no option, I'll rather die here than go down there. The more my confidence grew in the fact that I wasn't going to take a dive into the flowing river, the more I guess the serpent got surer of a well deserved bite. Every step, put still, crawl it took, in-turn earned a backward movement from me. Holy Morry! This was beginning to turn into a drama, infact a choreography of a sort. This serpent began to appear to me on the one hand a comic act, and the other, a venomous predator that it actually was. When it jerked, I jerked, when it moved I moved even two steps backward. At some point it took a run at

"Getting DONE Is Serious Business" (Proverbial Tale)

In anticipation I sat still, legs crossed, waiting for the next call. My gaze was fixed on that horn speaker, as if to say I listened with my eyes and not my ears. For quite some minutes now, I've been hearing my name called. The door continued to open and shut, but the truth is, no one was there! This illusion will not kill me, I bet I'll see the last of this. "Done and co" had a very big premises. It was a big office, better put, a hall, and it had just one door. They are a company specialized in turning dreams into reality, all anyone needed to do was just get themselves in there and their stories changed from thence. ....It hasn't been a smooth walk down here, many parked their luxury cars way down the lane, the roads leading here, aren't motorable at all, and the terrain/topography of the land is so horrible and exhausting to say the least. It was difficult, almost near impossible to get here as well dressed as you left your home, if the thorns and b

"The Order-City of HOPE"

The beauty of hope is in its length. Weird? Please let it not seem as such to you. What makes hope what it is, is the 'Wait' part of it, an optimistic wait actually; "Believe". An intrinsic characteristic of hope, one which earns it its most distinguishing property is; Hope's like tomorrow, it never dies, and is never relenting. Another side to its never ending nature is that; hope sings just one song into your heart and ears; "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow" and when "Tomorrow" comes, it sings another "Tomorrow" into you. Nothing encourages as much as hope, just as nothing wears a man out as much as hoping. It's all in the way we handle it. As long as the one hoping remains, hope remains, its only a case of whether they choose to make use of it or ignore it, letting it lie fallow. Whichever way, hope lives! A popular saying goes; "When there is life, there is hope". Yes, this is very true, but with need for some touc

"These People Will Kill Us!" (PARABLE)

They've Killed our innovation They've Killed our quest to know They've Killed our thinking, providing answers before we get to probe. They keep the best, origin and making away from us. All we do is receive and assemble. At best we can be called the finisher, don't get me wrong I mean it when I say "FINISHER". We finish everything, consumption is all we love and know, even those who feign to produce are sadly doing so under the "lord's" license. My God! We're so spoon fed, little wonder we're getting better only size-ways. They seem to make life easy, but actually stealing our independence, and replacing it with dependence. They've made our own seem inferior before our eyes, satisfaction is no longer contained in anything with a "BLACK ROOT". Sooner or later, I fear we'll abandon our lives for a life glaring as alien. We've lost so much already, and now on the verge of losing again our independence. They give us the