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“Am too tired to fight, yet too learned to run. There’s no other day to die, but today” These words rung severely in my head like a ‘school-over’ bell, as I engaged in, for the fourth time, what I term to be “The fight of my life”. It is a long existing idea that man can live to “Die Another Day” but the pain of it today is that this concept is often mis-used than used. More confused a phrase than understood, more nowadays a defence on the lips of cowards. Ian Fleming produced a 007 classic in 2002 titled “Die Another Day”. “Pierce Brosnan the fictional James Bond was on a mission to North Korea, when he was betrayed after seemingly killing a rogue North-Korean colonel. He was captured and imprisoned. More than a year later, he was released as part of a prisoner exchange. His quest became to earn redemption, by finding his betrayer and killing a North-Korean agent he believes was involved in his torture… (Okay I know you're feeling the storyline, but Let's save the details

How BIG Is Your Excuse?

How Big is Your Excuse Until 1875, a thousand and one swimmers had cast their wide reaching gazes on the seemingly endless stretch of the English Channel and wished that they would be the first to swim across it. Everybody else used boats to travel across this massive water body. There was record to be set and but everybody seemed to look only at the often challenging tides and other creatures that lurked dangerously beneath the water body until Mathew Webb approached it with the kind of boldness with which a lion approaches a prey - with carefulness, boldness and determination and became the first man to swim across the English channel without any external support even in the scary face of so much difficulties. It wasn’t until he swam across it that everybody began to realize that they could have done it, had they tried. Today even twenty years olds take swimming across this channel as a regular exercise. Do you hate your status quo? Do you hate the condition life has presented b

MegaNet Reschedules Chat -(This Is Obviously A Scam)

I remember vividly some of MegaNet's advocates by the names "Oscar Preye and Tope Alabi" reported via comments made on my blog, that they were at the venue of MegaNet's supposed chat last wednesday at the stated venue in Unilag? They even claimed they secured the 'opportunity' (Job). Now these criminals will have to explain to Nigerians their outfit's latest stand. Dear readers the bellow is MegaNet Resource Ltd's notice of a reschedule. Now who's fooling who? Dear Applicant, Your recent chat invitation with the HRM of MegaNet Resources Limited has been reschedule to 5th March 2013 (Tuesday) as a result of the questions and answers that arouse from the invited applicant that was selected for a CHAT with the HRM in other to verify the credibility of the company/job due to the FACT that a N2, 200 (Medical Fee) was imposed on them. We are Human Resources Consulting Organization with RC 1523321. Our head office is located at 26, Church Rd, Ikor

That (il)legal Tender.

"A huge number of humans have their Truth-Reserve/account either fat or static. We rarely withdraw nor spend from it, and will rather run life's transactions with that (il)legal tender, LIES". -TW™ Its not so amazing today how accepted, tolerated, and infact enjoyed (in the actual sense) lies are. Little wonder I chose to coin it as "(il)legal Tender". Illegal tender in every sense of it, yet legal tender judging by the widespread acceptance and employment of it. Why Account? Account owing to the fact that we know the truth, identify it, gather it, but yet fail to employ it, resulting to a mere build up (Account/Reserve) in our hearts, while refusing to spend/transact with it. Note: Truth spent yields even more dividends that truth stored. Why Lie? The "cover my/your arse" mentality/syndrome has taken the good-life over from us, I wonder why on God's earth we left our arses open in the first place, and who told us lies truly covers anyone'


Everybody has something they want/don’t want to hear in every different situation. There are words meant for particular purposes and situations, and not every word can be said at a particular time. It is a true statement of fact that love and care cannot be perfected without words, but it’s far better to keep quiet than to speak inappropriate words to a person in a condition. Without much ado, we’ll take some examples to start with. ***What do you say to a person who has just lost something valuable/precious? *Don't dare say... -"It just wasn't meant to be." It's easy to be philosophical when it's not happening to you. -"Are you going to try again?" When someone's grieving over a loss, he/she doesn't really want to think about another just yet. -"At least you know you can get another!" Right, but he/she also knows they can lose it again. Not something they want to be reminded of. *Do say... -"I'm so sorry to

MegaNet Madness!

The bellow was a mail carefully escorted with an SMS I got in the early hours of the starting day of a pleasant working week. Like many hoping to land that dream job, get a change of appointment, I hurriedly moved to my mail box to retrieve the mail, only to meet the most scandalous email I've received in years. You've never seen SCAM so perfectly put in your entire job-hunting life. See This: Dear..., With reference to your application sent to MegaNet Resource Limited, after much analyses of your CV, we are please to inform you that, you have been invited for a brief discussion with the HRM of MegaNet Resource Limited for immediate posting to Unilever Nigeria Plc. Note that, there will be a reduction of 10% of your salary for the first month which will be in a written agreement between you and MegaNet Resource Limited, after that you will have no business with us. Meanwhile, you are hereby invited for a brief discussion with the HRM of MegaNet Resource Limited. This


No one thing inflates itself as much as fear does. No one thing prides itself bigger than it originally is, as much as fear does. Man requires 3-folds more of courage than strength to get past his fears, as appearance and size remain the two viable and most significant fear factors yet existing. Many atimes, what would make a man/animal not to confront its fear/threat lies in its size and/or intimidating appearance. Overcoming our fears is not a matter of strength as it is thought to be (All forms of fear well considered). Overcoming a confrontation of fear requires more of courage than strength. "The potency of venom doesn't often commensurate the size of the producing animal, don't let 'appearance' fool you." Fear comes in sizes and the bigger the better. Oooops!, I know you'll say; the bigger, the more fearsome they appear, but its actually as put earlier, as fear merely inflates itself. More of fear is in its size or estimation of size. Only me