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TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME (The Folly of False Economy)

D o not let this hit you with a pulse of pessimism, as a matter of fact there's nothing as optimistic as believing you can make the best out of your today. To walk this road effectively, we must first come to understand THE FOLLY OF FALSE ECONOMY.  By not spending a small amount, devoting little time to things, we risk paying a much larger sum and lose our entire time to bed-watching and babysitting TOMORROW, such things we overlooked TODAY.  It is often said that; HE WHO REPAIRS NOT HIS GUTTER, WILL REPAIR THE WHOLE HOUSE. Decisions not made now, will be made at a higher cost later. In a bid to SECURE TOMORROW, we sometimes become Penny wise, and Pound foolish. It is the wrongest period in THIS AGE to be too concerned about tomorrow, especially when you have not lived today. TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME ! Little wonder the preacher says;  "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil there