"Though you knew the world won't receive you, you still gave your life to try. Wonderful Jesus, how can I fathom you!" -TW™
What a burden you chose to carry, what a load of Sin.
Without my burden, you rode on a donkey, with mine and the whole world's upon you, you decided walking on your feet was better.
What manner of man are you? You saw us kill you, yet you allowed it, for you, anything will do, just as long as it'll please the Father.
The bruises and the stripes alone was good enough, if it was just about the shedding of blood, you gave it in good quantity through the torture suffered in the hands of the Roman soldiers, you really did not need to die.
This was more, this was great, in fact, "Greater love than this no man can give". You paid it all, you laid your life, you paid the ultimate price that I might live.
Rejected and abandoned, yet all you saw was me.
Disgraced, crucified and killed for a crime you had no hand in, yet all you saw was the glory ahead.
Its amazing, so very amazing, that a KING will die for his irresponsible subjects. Your life didn't count to you, just as long as you could make mine count before the Father.
The pain of crucifixion and death was worth the while to you, just as long as my life would eventually be worth the while.
Jesus how could you? I never deserved your life, you never deserved to die!
In a whole new twist, you rose again on the third day!
There you are, sited on the right side of the Father, still interceeding for me day and night. Of a truth Jesus, your love for me just never ceases, your mercy never comes to an end.
Today is the day the world chose to remember your death on the ∙̇∙̇∙̣̣̣̣̣̇̇̇∙̣̣̣̣̣̇̇̇∙̇∙̇ (cross) of calvary, and your resurrection from death on the third day.
Not like millions will do it, but I join millions of souls saved, to say my special; THANK YOU JESUS, I'M GRATEFUL FOR THE SACRIFICE YOU MADE FOR ME ON THE CROSS OF CALVARY. AND IT WAS GREATER NEWS TO KNOW THAT YOU ROSE AGAIN!!!
There's is no other God who lived and never ever died, there's is no other God who never died!
Christ Jesus Reigns!
Its The Wordsmith™