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OPTIMISM sustains your mystery, but pushes you closer to victory. The question remains, "Why suffer more over a possibility?". The believe that breeds optimism stretches your mystery, works you out psychologically, physically and mentally. Being certain and confident when you've got no rights to, goes a long way to boosting your chances, since you'll want to try more, do more, and believe more, though you're likely to hurt more in the process. Looking the other way, I found some serious fact, and I can't but share with you the other half of the twist. PESSIMISM ends your mystery, gives it all up, and closes the chapter of any possibility of a breakthrough. The conclusion that breeds pessimism comes with a rest of mind, acceptance of fate, with little or no need to worry, seeing there's no way out. There onward, all you need do is go on with your life, perhaps try some other things, well, that's if your pessimism is not a lifestyle. Let me quickly chip this in; There'll be no need to confuse the later with realism, that's another matter on its own. Today's discuss is begging for an answer to a question; To give up and be in peace or hold on and mount up pressures, knowing fully well that life is all a matter of possibilities, a world of uncertainties? Haha!, here the twist lies. Its your view for the airing, your opinion for the sharing, your sides for the taking. In this matter, we're not likely to head in one direction. ...Choose, what will it be from here? Akogun Olalekan (c) 2012.