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"Meanings Make The Man, His Definitions Define Him"

"Its difficult, if not impossible to respond beyond your heart". How do I mean?
"Your conceived, derived and/or imbibed idea of thing, defines your attitude towards it"-TW™
You've always wondered why you act the way you do, react the way you do, or respond to things the way you do. Hey, am not talking temperaments here, the boss (Tim Lahaye) already did, and he "took it to the cleaners'.
Even in deceit, its a hard thing to behave/respond to a thing beyond what you think about it, know about it, and the values you have placed on it.
Catching a golden mug falling directly towards your head for example is a scenario that captures correctly an aspect of my discourse. There exist a couple of options to this, and believe me, every man could respond differently to this situation. One of the responses to expect, which I know you know already is; Catching the mug, preventing it from hitting your head or even the fall. Another response would be; completely dodging the mug, allowing it to hit the floor, though successfully safeguarding your cranium/skull from a possible fracture. Allowing the mug a landing space on your head, just as long as the mug is protected from destruction is any possible response (weird you think?).
These dudes have not responded in all 3-manners and more possible manners because they are nice or wicked, but have done as such because of the values they have placed on both "The Mug" and "Their Head"
Its obvious that the one who chose to make way for the mug to drop the ground, hence destroying it, though has done a perfect work of salvaging his head from a risk of fracture/bruises/deep cut, sees his head as more valuable than a mug, even if it was gold plated. His idea of what a gold is and can be, some others do not have, or even know better, hence their corresponding action/response.
Friends, these things come to play in our everyday life. Infact, they are the foundations of our various choices in life. Your knowledge of a thing goes a long way to predict your responses to same.
Bringing this home now, its good it touches your Spirit, Soul & Body.
Your response to work/job, if you chose to be sincere and not deceive you or someone else, is basically based on your preempted idea of "MONEY" and what money is capable of doing. You either want put in more efforts to make more of it, or otherwise. If you've got an idea that life is nothing without money, you're most likely to be wealthier (however, through any means you can) than a man who believes and has imbibed an idea all his life, that money is the last thing to seek after in life, as there is more to life.
Let's start this trip with a little personal exercise.
What is marriage, and what's your view about it?
Yes, your answer is very correct, atleast to you, and at the level you know and understand. There is a common saying that; "What you think, may not be what's on the mind of everyone, and as such cannot be a yardstick to measure a thing generally". But I tell you, "The room set aside for INDIVIDUALITY in life cannot be occupied even by a million people"-TW™
What you think might not affect the existing standards, but will definitely affect you, and/or your eventual standard of life.
Life is all about these three premises, viz; NECESSITY, OPTIONS, and COMPULSION. Little wonder life gives us a NOC(knock).
99.9% of decisions taken by us, from when we knew how to take one for ourselves and others too, are/were judged by these 3-premises. You would agree with me that the responses that follow a matter of compulsion, wouldn't be the same as one that will follow when there are options or variables (to do or not to do).
To model/re-model our lives, there are many questions we must ask, and provide sincere answers to ourselves. Some of these, I will mention, but I tell you, there are a thousand and one others I would not be able to touch here. Ofcourse, life presents before us varying situations, conditions, parameters and infact location. Yet we thrive to make the same result out of it (SUCCESS). Now success again can only be a matter of how you define it personally or communally.
As teenagers, Young adults, adults and aged that we are (hopefully, I didn't miss out on your category), we are faced with different issues at different stages of our lives.
In no particular order, sequence or chronology, I'll be listing some pertinent questions, the answers of which are the culprits and can be found culpable for our present statuses, lives, predicaments or flourishing.
What is Retirement?
Who is a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
What is a Church?
What is Education?
What is Salary?
What is a Job?
What is Marriage?
Who are Parents?
What exactly is Pension?
What is Life?
Who is God?
What is Sin?
Like I said earlier there are 1001, even 10000001 questions we'll be required to answer/define personally, if we must make anything tangible out of our lives, and life generally.
NB: Your definition and meaning are personal, and they help shape/mould your life and those of people around you.MEANINGS MAKE THE MAN,HIS DEFINITIONS DEFINE HIM.
Hence we got to be careful, if not for ourselves, but for the other people attached to us.
Also, another point to recall and note is that your views are not final or absolutely overriding, as they can be helped/modified or even damaged the more by BOOKS, PREACHERS & SERMONS, THOUGHT LIFE, FAMILY BACKGROUND. LIFE OCCURENCES etc. So choose wisely also whom and what to believe. Weigh every idea carefully, and parallel them with the lives of those you can comfortably call a success in your field, chosen career or kind of life envied.
Much ado about this piece, time and space will fail me to carry on with this discussion, as I remain a lover of your time and would not want to sieze too much of it. Till we meet again on another episode, maybe article, stay ON TOP!
Its The Wordsmith™
(C) 2013.
Twitter: @Olalekanakogun