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When Life Was Simple

…I miss the days when life was simple, when I didn't have to think of what to eat, what to wear, what to speak, nor what to do, and everything went easy.

I miss those days when it never used to matter what I was doing, and all that mattered was that I was active, alive and doing something. I close my eyes to imagine those good simple days and wish things remained the way they were, but quickly open my eyes to reality, to who I am today. its hard to swallow, am grown and have lost my innocence, lost my dependence, lost all the bliss I used to enjoy as dividends of my ignorance. 

I miss the days when life was simple, when I'll do the worse and everyone will say "Allow him, he's only a kid". What immunity! I miss being immune. I miss those days when live was simple, when I never used to know the distance of where I went, all because I was siting comfortably on somebody's back, then, a 10 kilometre walk and a 50 never use to make to me any difference. 

I miss the days when life was simple, when all that meant work to me was; Eat, Sleep, and eat again. I miss those days when life was simple, when all I needed to do to get anything was push a tear down my cheek, and prepare my mouth ready for a scream. I miss those days when life was simple, when I never used to commit sin, ofcourse, nothing was counted to me as sin. I miss those day when life was simple, when even "God almighty understood", He identifies my ignorance, He too will say; he is but a child. I miss those days when life was simple, when I didn't have to defend myself, all went so easy, I didn't need to be a man. I had uncles, aunties, mum, dad and even neighbours rising up to my defence whenever I was threatened by a person or thing. 

I miss the days when life was simple, when nobody expected much from me, all they needed me do was eat, mutter sounds, play and sleep well. No goals, No Targets, No Ambition, No reason to raise my Blood Pressure. Oh, what a life, can anything be sweeter than this? 

I miss the days when things were simple, when I didn't have to be in any official relationship, when I used to be in all available relationships, as every girl around me was "My wife". I miss those days when life was simple, when I never used to have romantic feelings to weigh me down, as all I ever had feelings for were toys, games and play alone. I miss the days when life was simple, hmmmmmmmnn (sighs), I miss those days, Lord knows I miss those days!!! Did you ever have them? Do you miss them too? 

 The Wordsmith, Akogun Olalekan. (C) 2012.