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Showing posts from 2019

Where Are The Poets?

... A nd so i stumbled on a photo on the internet, it was on Twitter , i mean without mincing words; my favourite social media platform of all time. The original post accompanying the photo read thus;  "Where Are The Poets? Can Anyone Write Something About This Photo?" Quite typical of me when i surf the internet, my first goal is to find something that would inspire me to give back to where it came from, and not just take away. I ran through the attached comments (like a typical user would, in fact most times on social media platforms, you just rush to the comments section first to see reactions) with a zest to meet a few poets, and also to see what a few people have made out of the post. I was not surprised to find "The Good, The Bad and The Stupid"😊😊 It was beautiful to have found a couple of awesome literary works that i savoured. I never knew there were so many like me who cared about such things until i had had a personal interaction with the orig