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"They say a few drinks help to forget pain, but after one too many,we find out pain only took a stroll." -TW™
Now the question is; "What Is The Remedy For Pain?"
Pain like as pronounced can be so sharp, heavy-weighted, sudden and prolonged.
Pain is that unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.
We all have been pained by someone/something at one point or the other of our life, and I care to ask two key questions;
1) What was the experience like?
2) How did you douse the pain?
Handling pain, can be a very arduous and debilitating task. Pain can come in different guise and from different sources. Though every form of it should be handled with precision and uniqueness of strategy, there is more often than not a universal approach to managing pain.
Pain can be very detrimental to a person's health and general social function. Pain once noticed must be abated or suppressed as fast as possible to ensure a proper and normal human functioning.
Stressing particularly here, the EMOTIONAL angle of pain, I'll like to delve into some suggested steps cum strategies to managing pain or any like situation.
I once wrote sometimes in 2012 in on my of my articles titled; "MIND MEDICINE" :
"When I had a problem with my eyes, I used some eye drop.
When I had some problems with my ears, I used some ear drops.
I've been roaming pharmacy stores for a while now, still I'm yet to see anyone of them show me any mind drops.
A problem with the mind, is not one to be handled by pharmaceutical experts. A problem with the mind, is not one to seek stores in search of a cure. A problem with the mind is one that can only be tackled with the correct application of a MIND MEDICINE.". See;
You will agree with me that pain takes its heaviest and eventual effect on the mind, and as such the mind is the prime target for pain. Hence, whatsoever 'medicine' that'll be prescribed must also be aimed at healing the mind in order to achieve the expected result.
Of course, emotional pain can be so severe that it interferes with your ability to enjoy life and, in extreme cases, may even make you question whether your life is worth living.
Now where do we go from here?
Two words, looking simple, but I tell you is no way near what it looks. Nonetheless,this remains one first and vital step to healing.
Emotional pain interferes with your ability to think, recall memories and make decisions. You just have to let go to let heal. How you achieve this will depend on how well you understand yourself and have handled simpler issues.
When you ruminate, or brood, over a past hurt, the memories you replay in your mind only become increasingly distressing and cause more anger without providing any new insights. In other words, while reflecting on a painful event can help you to reach an understanding or closure about it, ruminating simply increases your stress levels, and can actually be addictive.
If you allow yourself to feel helpless after a failure, or blame it on your lack of ability or bad luck, it's likely to lower your self-esteem. Blaming a failure on specific factors within your control, such as planning and execution, is likely to be less damaging, but even better is focusing on ways you can improve and be better informed or prepared so you can succeed next time (and try again, so there is a next time).
Guilt can be beneficial in that it can stop you from doing something that may harm another person (making it a strong "relationship protector"). But guilt that lingers or is excessive can impair your ability to focus and enjoy life.
If you still feel guilty after apologizing for a wrongdoing, be sure you have expressed empathy toward them and conveyed that you understand how your actions impacted them. This will likely lead to authentic forgiveness and relief of your guilty feelings.
While positive affirmations are excellent tools for emotional health, if they fall outside the boundaries of your beliefs, they may be ineffective. This may be the case for people with low self-esteem, for whom self-affirmations may be more useful. Self-affirmations, such as "I Will Get Over This In Record Time," can help to reinforce positive qualities you believe you have, as can making a list of your best qualities.
The above listed points can prove too theoretical to relate with for many, this I do understand.
Making this more palpable, I'll say;
"When You're In Pain, Refuse To Remain or End In It." -TW™
Having this resolution can help you break-free in record time.
Believing/Accepting the "Que Sera Sera" ideology can also go along way in lightening your heavy emotional burden. Understanding that "What Will Be Will Be" can have such a relieving effect on a person's mind.
Also, understand that there are VERY few things, If anything in this world worth dying for. And the end has come only for the one that dies, as we are soon forgotten by the ones we died for.
So, why let this pain kill you?
Why not let it go, and live your true life once again?
Friends, LIFE'S MANUAL records in a passage I believe we can anchor our lives upon and help get through what ever pain we feel.
.....................Its states;
"And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add a cubit to his height or to the span of his life?".............................Matt6:27
Please Be Guided!
Its The Wordsmith™
(C) 2014.
Akogun Olalekan™


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