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Every man came into the world with abilities, but abilities remain in disability until there's someone to help discover, direct/channel or mentor them to work.
Life existed before your life. Thus, looking at it critically, we'll see that no one man began to do anything spontaneously.
Everyone was taught,
Everyone was led,
Everyone was coached.
There exist so many styles of leadership, yet there exist one fascinating approach to leadership, called COACHING.
An approach so effective, you'll be doing your dreams(task) from the moment the class(training) commences.
An approach so realistic, even animals could not ignore.
Consider the life of a mother hen and her chick, and see there's no faster approach to learning than someone doing the things you want done right before your watchful eyes, urging you to do-as-they-do.
The mother hen is practically a coach, forget about what you used to know.
She leads her chicks with a coaching approach, putting them through, by doing before their eyes, what they need to know.
There's no coaching without a doing, just as there's no doing without a coaching.
Every/Anything you desire to do or be, has got people or atleast a person doing or that has done same/similar in time past. The faster you discover them and enroll in the school of learning, the faster you'll get in the journey to fulfilling your dreams.
I wouldn't want you getting perturbed about distance or reach, you can follow/learn just as long as you can see (Books, Media, Direct/Distant Mentoring etc) just make & keep contact.
The chick (my overshadowed classical case-study) never used to be told to till the soil with her feet, she does it spontaneously, just as long as she saw her mother do same. And most fulfilling, she alone reaps the rewards of what she makes out of her efforts. (When was the last time you saw the chick give his/her mother the earthworm they found in the soil they tilled?)
There was no great leader that was not first a learner.
There was not one renowned man that was never an apprentice of a sort. If this be, belittle not the days of your 'apprenticeship'. Feel no guile that you're the one on the other end of the leadership cycle.
Humble you to learn and to know, nobody is too young or to old to learn and unlearn.
Don't stop learning, else you mark off yourself as dead. Humility remains a major factor here, friend, you've got to be humble for YOUR SENIOR, MASTER, LEADER or LORD as the case may be, IS THAT PERSON WHO KNOWS SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW , THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW.
A man who'll learn well, and as a matter of fact, know well, is that man who has known and understood why he should learn.
The very reason our lives are filled with many abandoned project or hastily completed ones is because no one wants to be tagged "A Learner" anymore. Even the man/woman who just started driving in the morning, wants to take of the 'Learner' tag from their car by noon.
LEARN, DON'T BE ASHAMED YOU'RE LEARNING, YOU'LL ONLY WEAR THE LEARNER'S TAG FOR A WHILE, NOT FOREVER. Our society is filled with so much educated illiterates now, half-bakes, so many unlearned artisans (no 'freedom'), quacks of all sorts (they jumped out of the school of learning), spiritual novices who thought they had known, hence they couldn't wait to start teaching (Behold the birth of false teachings and doctrines in our worship places).
You've heard the sentence before in a question, but I guess it didn't make THIS sense to you. Now permit me to put the question across to you again, just as I am doing to myself....ARE YOU A LEARNER?
(NB:Please permit the absence of a proper image to match this article, it will come up shortly).
The Wordsmith™
(C) 2013.


  1. Bless U bro. Luvly article. We are indeed learners at one time or the other; and the one who perhaps lingered longer as a learner comes out with best results afterall

  2. The Pope09:25

    Awesome piece bro

  3. Bimbaby16:36

    Good one as always. Thanks


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