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When You Know How
What happens when you know how? The question. Something happens when you know how, the answer. Many a times we busy our brains with what we ought not, we poke our noses into matters concealed. Our quest to know how as humans has brought about growth, achievement, civilization, industrialization…’manythingnization’ which are all positives.
          But, there’s still this one thing that happens when you know how. Join me as I take you on a journey of what happens when you know how. A ‘how’ is the manner, means or method by which a thing is done, felt or achieved. If I may tease you a little, I’ll ask, how can you know what happens when you know how? And my answer leads us a little further in this journey.
Of course, if you knew how to know what happens when you know how, you wouldn’t be joining me in this expository journey, and if eventually you did, you would be following me like one who’s leading me actually. And when we eventually arrive at the point, there’ll definitely be no jaw dropping, eye popping, mouth opening, jumping, screaming, or puzzling because “WHEN YOU KNOW HOW, THERE’S NO WOW!”
          Yes, that’s the point. When you know how, there’s no wow. An issue I’ll like to settle out with instances beautifully buttressing my point in this masterpiece.
Psychologically, man as a social animal that he is, will naturally show more gratitude for a thing has little or no understanding about, only because it still puzzles him. But expect nothing but reduction in gratitude from him the day he knows the how.
          Scientifically, inventions and great discoveries of both the modern age and ancient times puzzled man for so long until he began to know the come about of these things. Once upon a time, man wondered about the miracle of finding water inside a hard fibrous and concealed coconut seed. But because he couldn’t it, he idolized the coconut water. But woe betide the coconut water the day man discovered the science behind that mystery. That day, man laid his hands on the how. And typical of what happens when you know how, the coconut water became a thing poured on the ground to reduce dust where the coconut is being eaten, just like ordinary water.
I could drive you on and on, but less I take too long before we get to that point that struck me the most, inspiring me to discuss this subject with you.
          Spiritually, man appreciates his God better when he cannot comprehend the how of his workings. A miracle we call it when we have gotten to the pinnacle of our thoughts and still cannot fathom the workings of His power. A thousand examples exist both in the Holy Books and in the lives of numerous religious people.
          On this conclusive note I’ll conclude this discourse; IF YOU WANT SOME GLORY FOR WHAT YOU KNOW OR DO, PLEASE WITHHOLD THE STORY. Because once they know how, there’ll be no wow. And when there’s no wow, then on that subject you’ll have no power!
Facebook: Akogun Olalekan
Twitter: @Olalekanakogun


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