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"Our Country Is Bleeding".....But When Did It Begin?

"Shortly after Madiba's demise, i'd wanted to write about the similarities btw OBJ & Mandela plus the vantage position OBJ had to become the TRUE father of a great Nation. The recent news about Obasanjo's controversial letter to Mr President has spurred me to finally write my opinions.
Why is all these happening after Madiba's death? The death of madiba of must have been a major food for thought to OBJ who was obviously close to him during & after his struggle days.
His open & self-indicting comment about mandela's refusal of his plea to stay in power seems to me as a man who's cherishing a value he never really had.
That desire to play a 'fatherly' role just like mandela, a role he (OBJ) willingly threw away a long time ago must have now been cherishing to him.
You are not a father or in a position to play the roles of a father (advice & rebuke) to a nation just because you have GREY hairs or the length of your days. You are qualified as a father if you have shown great & enviable values by living an exemplary life.
What MORAL JUSTIFICATION does OBJ have to upbraid Mr President like he did? I'm yet to see any of the flaws pointed out against GEJ that was not present in his tenure in significant proportions ranging from embezzlements, 'killer squad', party tussle, corruption & ethno- religious conflicts of all sorts. It may not be as pronounced as we 're seeing but OBJ has clearly left a bad precedent & GEJ has made a big advancement in that regards.
It is not wrong to say OBJ has lost his rights to assume a fatherly role for lack of high virtues to emulate. GEJ will someday be in the shoes of OBJ but he 'll so quickly realise he's got no fatherly rights.
I beckon on the YOUTHS of this great nation to learn from the clueless & unenviable leadership of this nation & make up their minds to lay a good precedent of honest & selfless leadership looking at the MADIBA EXAMPLE."
-Henry Olonimoyo

Some Issues Raised In The Said Letter (Paraphrased):

"In the 18-page letter, Obasanjo raised concerns about the state of the economy, especially the mismanagement of the oil and gas sector, corruption, security and the president's yet-to-be declared second term bid.

  Obasanjo was brutally frank with the president about his concern on how he has been running the ship of state and the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

He also expressed concern about the president's scheming for a second term in office, warning that this could destroy the unity of the country and damage the trust of Nigerians in Jonathan.". (Excerpts).

Ever since the said letter was leaked, opinions have been flying, one of which you just read.
OBJ says our country is bleeding, this obvious truth I cannot contest. Did it just start bleeding in GEJ's tenure? The question to ponder.
Well, I found Henry's piece particularly thought provoking, and the least I could do was share.
THE GAME IS ON!, the back of fathers will be turned against sons, friends against friends....2015 THE MATTER..



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