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....Come let us reason together!
Change; and event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another. This could be as a result of an alteration or modification.
To undergo change is to become difference in essence, to undergo change is to experience a degree of transformation.
Change could mean a replacement of a thing with some other or same kind....
Change could just mean about everything in the world.
As the famous saying goes "Change Is Constant", it remains a constant force the holds the earth in its spinning and its people in their living.
It is only natural for man to be sick of being the same man over a number of days, months and years. At every point in time, man dreams a change, a positive, forward moving change. The life of man is such designed to desire an extra, everyman wants an improvement upon his yesterday today.
Some dream a change from worst to worse, worse to bad, bad to good, good to better, better to excellent, as some sitting up there the "best cadre" still have their eyes set on excellence.
Every strata of this arrangement requires a notable degree of change to attain.

That famous scientist and physicist, Sir Isaac Newton postulated right when he stated in one of his 3-laws of motion that;
"A body remains in its present state of rest until it is compelled by external forces to act otherwise"
Newton was far from wrong, he got it all right with that postulation.
Digging deep into his law cum submission on motion(movement), I decided to break into smaller fragments his wholesome idea, picking them one after the other to analyse as they appear to me.

This is one serious and most stunning part of that law. Every life, every man, every thing will continue in its state of dormancy, sessile and static state (not exhibiting any form of movement, even if they wished they did) until they are acted upon by an 'external force'.
By default, everyone is lazy, and no one really chooses work over fun. If the money would come without the work, you'll be amazed to realize that even those who brandish the "I Love My Job" will rather lounge and do no other thing than spend the in exhaustive notes.
If not is done, if nothing goes wrong (removes you from your position of relative comfort) I'm afraid there can be no movement.
Are you still in your state of rest?
It is only natural for man to seek rest even before he has worked, but life has set in place these "External forces" to push everyman to work, and everyman to move.
The sound of the word "external forces" may bring to bear within us ugly imaginations of voodoo and fetish things, but far from it, eventhough they form an integral part of the external forces acting upon lives today. There are yet a thousand and one progressive external forces, they push us, and they will never cease to do what they do. Well, if they don't get to push us and get us moving, how shall we move?
"THE FINAL GOAL OF CHANGE IS DISPLACEMENT", taking you from where you are to where you ought/ought not to be (whatever the case may be).
The man who lost his balance during the push, is the man who failed to take control of his life, steering it in the direction of the path he has chosen.
External forces could range from; FRIENDS to ENEMIES, WORDS(spoken & written), Mentors to Goals & Aspiration. To put simply put, whatsoever arouses within you a sense to move(proceed, invent, create, take a bold step etc) at fulfilling your dreams, is that "External Factor".

Be ye not disturbed by these things, change is dynamic, change is constant, and most importantly, CHANGE IS STEPWISE.
You need not change everything all at once, all you need do is change something!
Want a new life? Change something.
Want a new reputation? Change something.
Want a new job? Change something.
Want a new relationship? Change something.
Want a new experience? Change something.
Everything that is that you desire to change has remained so thus far because they were bounded by the laws of life to remain so (maintaining a state of rest).
The onus lies of you to activate or allow an already activated 'external force' act upon you/your situation.
Friends, to get there, to be the you you've always dreamed, there's a changing to be done.
Your needed change could be as little as cutting down on your hours of sleep;
Your needed change could be as funny as placing a check on your excessive laughter and gesting.
Your needed change may be as passionate as showing love to people.
Your needed change may be a mean as, keeping your head straight and eyes keen on what you set out to achieve, giving no room for distraction.
Your needing change could be drawing out a plan, a charter for your existence (you've lived enough of the "anyhow kind of life").
Your needed change might just be dropping off 1 or 2 'friends' and/or picking some new ones.
Your needed change could be anything!!!
Whatever it is, be guided to understand that; "CHANGE IS EVERYTHING, and EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE one day or the other". -TW™
Get off that present state of rest, ease of that little comfort, maximize to benefits the external pressures/forces, yield to a desired change.
Change has got a rule, change has got a song, change sings with its hard-baritone voice; CHANGE SOMETHING, CHANGE EVERYTHING.

The Wordsmith™
(C) 2013.


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